General Information
Violet is a small bushy plant which is native to Europe and Asia, but has also been introduced to North America and Australia. From old ages it has been grown in gardens, and now it has spread to most of Europe
Violet flower is an important addition to your medicine chest during the cold and flu season. A syrup of the flowers can soothe an irritated and hot throat. It is also a powerful Lymphagogue, that can relieve congestion and swollen lymph glands. Cooling and mucilaginous, violet can be used for a dry cough and for ear infections
It has also been used for the physical and emotional heart for thousands of years. Violet is high in a constituent called Rutin. Rutin strengthens capillaries, prevents platelet aggregation, and is anti-inflammatory
Therapeutic Application
Leaves of violet plant are able to reduce blood pressure as it consists of alkaloids and flavonoids. Alkaloids have relaxing effect on blood vessel. As the result, we will have such an easier blood flow
Violet is also used to dissolve cysts, lumps and fibrotic tissue of the breast. Herbalists recommend a fresh poultice of leaves and flowers for cancers of the lymphatic system, breasts, lungs, and skin
Research showed that violet leaves are beneficial to prevent and treat the early stage of cancer. It would due to the high antioxidant level which is able to fight the free radicals as the main factor of cancer growth. Regular consumption of violet leaves is obviously able to reduce or shrink the early stage of tumor and cancer
Violet eases pain. It is used externally and internally for pain associated with arthritis and is especially indicated for arthritis accompanied by dry hot tissues
Mucilage or soluble fiber in violet leaves is helpful to reduce bad cholesterol level. Besides, it is also good in improving the health of intestinal flora. Intestinal flora supplies the food for good bacteria which aid digestion. Dietary fiber is also able to improve the bowel movement and prevent some digestion problems such flatulence and constipation
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