Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen
Geographic Distribution
Bee pollen is a health food that has been around for centuries in Eastern cultures, but recently started to appear in Western health stores, too
Bee pollen is a plant-pollen that is picked up by honeybees and brought back to the hive to be packed and used as a food source for the colony
It is a mixture of flower pollen, nectar, enzymes, honey, wax and bee secretions. It contains vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, lipids, and protein
Allergy Applications
One of the most common uses for bee pollen is the management of seasonal allergies, such as hay fever. It is thought that ingesting pollens will help the body to build resistance to these potential allergens and, in turn, reduce allergy symptoms
Antioxidant Properties
Bee pollen has very high antioxidant properties similar to those of fermented foods. Antioxidants are naturally occurring chemicals that exist in plant-based foods, usually those that are red or dark in color, as well as fermented foods. Some common antioxidants are resveratrol lycopene, vitamins A, C, and E. These antioxidants keep people healthy by counteracting oxidants such as air pollution and cigarette smoke that can damage the body. Additionally, antioxidants in bee pollen may protect lipids from oxidizing. Because when lipids oxidize, they can clump together, restricting blood vessels and raising heart disease risk
Therapeutic Applications
In people with nearsightedness caused by clogged arteries, bee pollen supplements lower blood cholesterol levels, which increase field of vision
According to researches, bee pollen may work similarly to anti-inflammatory drugs. Studies have also shown that bee pollen may help soothe burn wounds, relieve menopause symptoms, and even decrease multiple sclerosis symptoms in patients
One study suggests that bee pollen has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. These properties could help kill off bacteria and viruses, such as staphylococcus aureus, which causes food poisoning
Many women who take Anti-hormonal medications often experience symptoms of menopause. One study found that some women with breast cancer who took a bee pollen supplement experienced fewer, less intense menopause symptoms than those who didn’t
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